Saturday, January 15, 2022

Poupee Girl & Gaia Online

Hi Hi~

Ready for a huge dose of nostalgia? 

Thanks to AKP, I was able to get logged on to Poupee Girl!  I haven't gotten a lot of clothes for my avatar yet, but she's already looking so cute!! I'm so excited~ 

Just like real life, I spent all my money on lashes today 

This got me thinking of my old GaiaOnline account... My friends and I used to spend SO much time on there in high school. We would get out of school and instantly log on as soon as we got home. It defined my after-school experience... And while I couldn't afford cute clothes in real life, my avatar was always dressed up super cute

I logged in and while a lot of things on that site have changed, my avatar was still there, waiting for me to dress her up! 

I've been feeling super nostalgic today... I was listening to old music and thinking about the past.

Did you have accounts on either of these sites? 
Talk again real soon!

Today's : Sonic Boom - Maaya Sakamoto

1 comment:

  1. I knew about bentwee already and I'm so hyped to see everyone coming back to poupeegirl! I need to log in my account again, it's so old at this point! Lol


A Few Gets

 Hi hi~ Tonight I was home alone so I decided to go get a few things I needed for my upcoming trip I only needed deodorant and makeup wipes ...