Saturday, January 22, 2022

Weekend Looks

Hi hi~

On Friday night we had a work event... I had no idea what to wear! It was so hard trying to be formal and normal but also not feel totally boring...

In the end my fiance actually helped me pick out a co*de. I wore all black with this Liz Lisa cardigan and pearl accessories! It was classy with a touch of cute and I never would have thought of it on my own 

Today we went to Round One for a date ~  We did purikura, bowling, and played a bunch of games 

I went with an old Ank Rouge-inspired look

POINT: this bunny ring that my fiance gave me for Christmas 

Our kimokawaii puri 

I hope you're having a great weekend 

Today's: Tonight, Tonight - Kindan no Tasuketsu

1 comment:

  1. I'm in love with the Liz Lisa cardigan!!! Also you're so lucky to have a puri machine nearby, I'm jelly!


A Few Gets

 Hi hi~ Tonight I was home alone so I decided to go get a few things I needed for my upcoming trip I only needed deodorant and makeup wipes ...