Saturday, May 8, 2021

7 Days of Gyaru Make | Day 1: Shizuka Muto

 Hi hi~

I've been reading through so many blogs lately and I recently saw a really good tip for beginner gals. I wish I could remember who posted it (if it was you, please comment!!) but the gist of it was that you should do your makeup every day for a week and ask for concrit, and use the concrit from the day before to keep improving your make!

Well, I don't have time to do it every single day for a week, so I'll be spreading the looks out over a period of time. Hopefully I can see some improvement by the end of this! It's never too late to get better. 

My first look is inspired by this photo of Shizuka Muto, my biggest inspiration right now. The photo quality is straight out of the early 2000s and it shows, so I had to improvise on the eyeshadow color. But I just thought she looked so cute here and I wanted to try it out!

And here is how it turned out... (unfiltered! eek)

Honestly using Snow and Snapchat over the past several years has given me pretty bad dysmorphia. I hate to see my face unfiltered, especially with how long it is, and so embarrassing to share an unfiltered pic. But this is how I actually look and I can't get better if I don't show my real face! It's easy to just use Snow to get your makeup looking perfect these days, too. But I'm determined to practice and get my real makeup looking good! Maybe one day I can be happy with my face without a filter. It was pretty scary posting it in SnG, but I'm happy I did because I got a lot of helpful feedback!

The first things that I noticed myself:

-brows. Oh God, what are those brows? One is flat and wide similar to the inspo pic, and the other is arched and thin how they naturally grow. WTF...? Mynew eyebrow pencil, Dolly Wink in Honey Beige, was too light to be seen. I'm either going to try bleaching my brows or use some of the tips that Reila and Shiena gave me

-lashes. I used some lashes that I got from eBay and I don't think they suited this look all that well. Not saying you can't have rocking gyaru make with off-brand lashes, you definitely can, but this wasn't the case for me this time!

-lash glue. I hate the lash glue that I have SO MUCH. It's from the drugstore and it burns the shit out of my eyes, to the point where I actually consider ripping off my lashes. It's also harder to put my lashes on properly. I can't find the tacky Dolly Wink glue on Amazon anymore, so I might order some DUP. Rae also recommended one by Tarte!

Now onto the concrit:

-eye shape. My eye shape wasn't right, particularly at the outer corner. I can adjust my eyeliner and my lash placement next time to help fix this. 

-contouring forehead. Obviously, I have a big forehead - no need to beat around the bush with that one. I absolutely hate that about myself, but luckily I can hide it with hair. But did you know you can also contour your forehead to make it look smaller?! Well, you probably did, but I didn't until the helpful gals at SnG told me about it! I'm going to have to try this out; it might open up the world of pulled-back hairstyles for me!

-different lashes. The lashes I used were some cheap ones I got from eBay! They look really cute and spiky in the box, but ended up not looking quite right on my eyes. I think I'll order some Diamond Lash for the future. Calypso also told me I can adjust the placement of my current ones on my face to get a better eye shape!

-heavier blush. I felt like I piled the blush on (my mom is somewhere shouting in horror lol, I remember she once told me I look like a "streetwalker" for wearing too much blush in high school lol) but as Lizzie always says, if you think you have enough blush on, you're wrong! I'll do it heavier next time. I also need a new Canmake cream cheek because mine is almost out, and I think an orangey shade will go great with Onee looks in the future.

Reila even took the time to do an edit to show me how to improve it! Thank you so much

Now onto what I feel were the good points:

-eyeshadow. I pretty much improvised my eyeshadow color for this look, since it was nearly impossible to see what color Shizuka was wearing. I used pale gold on the inside (from the Animal Crossing Colourpop palette) and a darker orange-y gold on the outside! I thought it looked really nice. 

-nose contour. I got some concrit that I should make my nose contour slimmer and bring it up to where my eyebrows start, which I totally agree with. However, I was happy with the darkness of my contour if that makes sense? Because obviously I also have a very tall nose, and to be frank if I do my nose contour too dark it ends up looking like drag makeup, which is not the look I'm going for. I saw advice on another thread (if you know then you know lol) that girls with tall noses should focus more on highlighting than contour on the nose bridge so it doesn't look like trash. I tried that this time and am really happy with it! This is a hill I will die on. Dark, heavy contour works on gals with small noses but I am just not one of them and never will be because nose jobs scare me.

-lip color. I loved this lip color on me! It's Sexy Mother Pucker from Soap & Glory in shade Pink Up, Girl. It smells so good too

I also tried using a bit of a darker powder over my foundation (which is currently in the lightest shade possible lol) and I was super pleased with it! It made it easier for my highlighter to show up, which sometimes is a struggle w

That's pretty much it for this time! Thank you SO MUCH to the gals everywhere who helped give feedback. That kind of thing can't be replaced and it's worth being vulnerable for. 

Oh, and when I showed Yuchan my look, he chuckled and instantly said "You look like a kyabajo!" So I guess it was pretty effective in capturing the vibe www

I never really pictured myself wearing Agejo, but it was fun! I don't think I'll go out and purposefully buy pieces for my wardrobe, but maybe I can squeeze a few looks out of what I already have.

Here's a filtered pic of my look:

Thank you so much for reading, I was pleasantly surprised to get a few comments on my earlier posts! I figured this blog would mostly be me screaming into the void, which I don't mind because it's fun, but I appreciate those of you out there who are reading it! I hope you enjoy this series of posts as I try to improve my make!

If you have any concrit to add, please do!

Today's song: MIHO - ESPERANZA feat. Kj, SHIGEO, CO-KEY

Wish it was on Spotify!

Bye bye~ Talk again soon!

~ SamiiChu


A Few Gets

 Hi hi~ Tonight I was home alone so I decided to go get a few things I needed for my upcoming trip I only needed deodorant and makeup wipes ...